Billy integration module
Tax included
Integrate PrestaShop with the accounting system Billy.
Click the tab "Attachments" to see a screenshot.
Read more about Billy here:
- When a customer is created in PrestaShop he/she will automatically be created in Billy.
- When the webshop owner creates products in PrestaShop they will automatically be created in Billy.
- The module automatically creates product numbers that represents wrapping, handling and shipping.
- When the customer places an order it will automatically be created in Billy. The order will appear in "Invoices". The invoice contains the customer's name and address and the product numbers and titles.
- Credit notes are also transferred automatically.
- The transactions are transferred asynchronously so the customer will not experience any delay while transferring to Billy. This can be done via a daily cron job.
- Manual in PDF format is part of the module.
- The module works with PrestaShop 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7.
If you need help you are welcome to contact me regarding installation and configuration.